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Our Models

Instructive, reliable and evidenced

Our suite of biomathematical models are validated from scientific studies with targeted data collection.

Our fatigue models incorporate sleep deprivation, circadian rhythm, sleep inertia, workload and job attention. Their outputs include charts and metrics relating to fatigue, sleep behaviours, circadian acclimatisation, and risk.

The platform hosting the model algorithms may be connected to any scheduling systems for automatic data transfer or used alone for planning, education, fatigue report analysis and investigation of incidents and accidents. A data analytics package is available for reporting and management.

FRMSc Fatigue Models Suite

Did you know...

SAFE and FRI are used by regulators

in aviation, rail and other safety-critical industries since the 1990s

The FRMSc Model Suite
for the identification and resolution of fatiguing duties

Our targeted biomathematical models have been studied and developed using real world data sets to derive fatigue and risk algorithms specific for different occupations. Frequent validation studies continue to demonstrate their maturity and relevance.

Underpinned by our bespoke, validated algorithms, we have created a suite of models specific to different occupational groups. Our models have been co-developed with aviation industry regulators, rail regulators and those responsible for oversight for all health and safety activities. 

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